Cassette Kid

Monday, April 19, 2010
Posted by: Elissa
Time: 1:19 AM
Comments: 1
I'm a ghost and I don't think I quite know.
Right now I'm in one of those moments where I'm in my bedroom trying to drown everything out. For these kind of moments Kings of Leon is usually the band of choice.

I'm a huge fan on this Southern family band, each album they put out is differant but they never change their sound. Their songs are catchy but not annoying, sometimes insperational but always beautiful.

Right now I'v got "Knocked up" on the "Becasuse of the times" album on repeat. There is something about this song that helps me when I'm anxious or scared. Knocked up is not really my most favourite song from the band but there is something about the subtle guitar riffs that seem to settle me, and I guess that is what makes a song good when it fixes your peronal situation for even just the few minutes that the song is playing.

So what band or song helps you to chill when something is wrong?


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By Blogger Sheray, at April 19, 2010 at 1:35 AM  

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Worshiper of Music, Lover of Scene. My looks may be deceiving but your music doesn't scare me.

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